a retooled foothylls website

This website doesn't look like shite anymore! I am happy to say I am proud of the work I have done on it and finally have a handle on various styling elements that felt far out of reach for a number of years.

Hugo provides a great framework for manipulating an entire website down to specific elements but still offers automation in that you can use templating to assist in generating layouts. If that sounds like greek to you it should! While Hugo is raved about by nerds across the internet, it still has warts. This is no wordpress site with GUI widgets to drag in and click "Apply!"

I have enjoyed tooling my website for fun from

While I sort of miss the single page HTML website (I wish I could find cabbagetown!) I have finally learned to understand the merits of CSS and hierarchal data and styling.

Hopefully my content will be a bit more prolific now that I am not embarrassed by clashing colors and bizarre frame sizes?