an update that might be the restart of content

Took forever! I sort of stopped blogging after ricing my hugo website setup, the world feels quite saturated with blogs and influencers and opinions and what not, so I sort of deprioritized my own addition to the chaos.

But in reality this is a great outlet for me now, since I don't SEO, I don't maintain comments, and nobody gives af about my blog.

So it is sort of like free real estate to shout into the void with no penalty!

I have a life, and things have been happening here and there for sure, but I am not quite organized enough to make nice updates about it. Instead I will just list a few things I remember and throw some shit on the wall vs procrastinate perpetually.

Here are some recent things....

  • I went to see They Might Be Giants recently with ravid and special shiny! Very fun concert
  • A few months before I went to see Ween at the lawn seating area of White Oak, what a great venue!! Ween continues to be rad
  • I am slowly creeping towards becoming an Org Mode convert, which means learning emacs, which means ANOTHER time suck
  • I found a new Shin Ramyun that is Mushroom Tofu! This is great for impulse junk food at home
  • we got central AC! It was only ~3 years of window unit chaos before we finally pulled the trigger! The split is getting replaced too so the upstairs will not be an infernal hell finally
  • My company will officially be under the thumb of Canadians as of June 20th! So my progression was PVAC to PVOG to ROCC to BTE!!
  • About 6 months ago I switched from cozy and steadfast Debian Stable to Arch Linux on my desktop. I had initially done so to get access to better nvidia drivers, but in general I love the rolling release. No reinstalls, no arcane messages from apt (which in general is really stable) and best of all such rich documentation that I feel more comfortable in linux than ever before.

There is other little stuff obviously, and I will try and return to it. Also i want to return to the CSS of this site, it feels a little dark and runny when I look at it today. Needs a spring cleaning!

I am using org mode in emacs and it is a whole cornucopia of fun, that might result in a few tweaks in how I post updates. But I am staying away from that mess until I really have time to commit.
